2019 Renault 4L e-Plein Air Concept

2019 Renault 4L e-Plein Air Concept
By Team Dailyrevs June 12, 2023
The passionate and the amateurs of old cars meet up from 8 to 10 November 2019 at the Parc des Expositions in Lyon (69), during the Salon Epoqu’Auto.
Organized since 1979 by members of the Club des Amateurs d’Automobiles Anciennes, the Epoqu’Auto exhibition focuses on nearly 53,000 m² of exhibition, 470 merchant stands and more than 150 branded clubs. In 2018 Epoqu’Auto had more than 67,000 visitors.
Accustomed to the event, Renault Classic will be present by exhibiting some models from its collection:
– A Renault Plein Air from 1969 , as well as its modern interpretation, the Renault e-Plein Air from 2019 . Called e-Plein Air, this concept reinvents the famous Renault 4 in electric version. The result of a collaboration between Renault Classic, Renault Design and Melun Rétro Passion, specialist in spare parts for vintage cars and collections, this concept was revealed during the celebration of 10 years of 4L International.